
A History: Aldgate Through Time

By Carlin Peton

Roman periods:

In the Ancient Roman period, Aldgate spanned the road to Colchester, Essex. Thus, the area was very busy as was directly connected to the oldest town recorded in England.

11th-19th century:

  • Aldgate was one of 7 of City of London’s historic gates.
  • Aldgate was the Eastern most Gateway through the London Wall leading to Whitechapel and the City of London. The etymology of the name “Aldgate” is disputed as in historical books it’s referred to as Est Gate (east gate), Aeld Gate (old gate), Ale Gate in connection with an Ale house or even “all gate” since the gate was open to all.
  • Aldgate was used in the 11th century for it’s defensive functions. It was rebuilt in the 13th century and again in the 17th but less for defense and more of a classical design.
  • Aldgate was a busy, but civilized town. It had many major links to Essex, Kent, and Middlesex. Aldgate was secluded and a rather affluent area of Aldermen (government council).

20th century:

For most of the 1900’s the East end was a rather deprived area that consisted of many council estates and poverty was rife. The area soon began to be notorious for its crime. The east end towards the 80’s and 90’s was a place that was avoided by many and the area was somewhat neglected.


Now, Aldgate is a booming and thriving location in the prime zone 1. It has been severely uplifted and regenerated. There is now improved cycling services, more public garden areas, improved lighting, and more greenery. It is a highly desired, sought after area where property prices are booming. This is a highly fashionable place to be and is located perfectly for one who travels with Liverpool street being a matter of minutes away. Ackroyd has been a huge player in the regeneration of the East End and is responsible for a huge proportion of property sales and leases.

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