During the process of setting up a new company, it is essential to ensure that all procedures are properly and effectively carried out and that all of your legal obligations are fully met.
Ackroyd Legal has a dedicated, in-house team of business and corporate solicitors, who are ready to provide legal advice and professional guidance whenever you need it, whether you operate as a sole trader, a partnership, a limited company or a PLC. Our dedicated team of business and corporate solicitors have diverse experience spanning all sectors of the economy, and whatever the size, nature and growth potential of your new business, we are here to help you, during the company setup phase and beyond.
Setting up a new company will bring a unique set of challenges, depending on the individual circumstances of you and your business. We offer a dedicated and cost-effective service for new businesses based on your needs and can provide ongoing legal support as you move forwards and begin trading, offering advice and support whenever you need it and covering all aspects of company law.
The services that we offer to new businesses include all of the following:
We will get to know you and your business in order to ensure that we fully understand your company ethos and long-term strategic goals. Ackroyd Legal is client-centred, and we are always flexible in our approach and will adapt our service as your circumstances change. For information on the range of legal services that we offer in relation to company setup and for new businesses, please get in touch with us without obligation, and a member of our team will be very happy to help.
We have diverse experience in working with new and emerging technology ventures and enterprises. Our approach is always client-centred, and we have considerable skills and expertise across this sector, including:
We fully understand that the technology sector is one that will continue to evolve, and we are committed to helping you to grow and develop your business. We will work with you to maximise the growth potential of your company and to enhance the services that you provide within the context of the market conditions.
We will continue to adapt to you and your company, to provide a tailor-made service that is designed to meet all of your needs. As a large London law firm offering a broad spectrum of legal services, we will be able to quickly respond to and deal with any unexpected challenges that may arise from time to time, looking after your business interests throughout. For more information, please contact us, and we will be delighted to help you.
A shareholders agreement is an agreement entered into between all or some of the shareholders…
Our specialist advisors can advise company officers of the precise formalities involved in the day-to-day…
M&A are transactions that transfer the ownership of a company in order to consolidate this with another…
Commercial agreements, regardless of the stage you are at in your business maturity, are not only…
A corporate transaction is the sale of a company’s assets or a reorganisation of a company…
An MBO is the process of an existing management team within a business acquires that…
Our banking and finance lawyers based across London and the UK provide advice on general…
Procurement simply refers to the buying goods services or constructions by organisations…
Franchising is a strategy adopted by an increasing number of businesses as another route of expansion…
Corporate tax is a direct tax imposed on companies or corporation by the government or jurisdiction…
Private equity consists of capital that is not listed on a public exchange…
A shareholders agreement is an agreement among the shareholders about the directional growth of a business…
An investment fund is a pool of funding supplied by various investors used to collectively…
The franchise operations agreement is a legal binding document between a franchisor and franchisee…
Capital Markets is a generic term and is used interchangeably with financial markets…
Corporate or business disputes can become complicated, and matters may escalate very quickly…
Startups have accelerated over the years and become a popular topic among investors…
The growth of technology and technology backed businesses and products and services in the last 30 years…
16 Prescot Street,
London, E1 8AZ
Ackroyd Legal is a trading style/name of Ackroyd Legal (London) LLP , which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA No. 554585 and is a LLP registered in England & Wales, Company No. OC360125; VAT no. 445717436;