
our services

Polish-Speaking Residential Conveyancing Solicitors

Jednym z naszych unikatowych atutow jest fakt, ze Ackroyd Legal swiadczy uslugi w jezyku polskim i angielskim.

Nasze atuty to doswiadczenie, profesjonalizm i troska o dobro Klientów. Ackroyd Legal działa szybko, dokładnie i skutecznie rozwiązujac prawne problemy klientow indywidualnych i przedsiebiorcow.

Dzięki znajomosci rynku nieruchomosci oraz wieloletniemu doswiadczeniu zapewniamy naszym Klientom profesjonalna i bezpieczna obsluge przeprowadzanych transakcji. W ramach dzialalnosci zwiazanej z obrotem nieruchomosciami, stale doskonalimy wlasne umiejetnosci poprzez liczne kursy i szkolenia, zapewniajac naszym Klientom uslugi na najwyzszym poziomie.

Ackroyd Legal to zespol doswiadczonych prawnikow, ludzi doskonale wyksztalconych, z zaangazowaniem i profesjonalizmem wykonujacych powierzone im zadania. Nasi Klienci zaufali nam dzięki profesjonalizmowi i etyce naszej pracy.

Skontaktuj się już dziś, aby poprosić o bezpłatną konsultację.

Speak to aga

Nasza dzialalnosc obejmuje obsluge wszystkich trzech sektorow nieruchomosci:

Mieszkalnego (m.in. mieszkania, domy)
Komercyjnego (biura, lokale handlowe, lokale usługowe) oraz
Przemysłowego (hale produkcyjne i magazynowe).

Nasze usługi obejmują m.in.:

Posrednictwo w obrocie nieruchomosciami komercyjnymi, przemysłowymi i mieszkalnymi (sprzedaz, kupno, najem, wynajem)
Sporzadzanie Testamentow, Administracja Spadkow
Obsługę przedsiewziec developerskich
Specjalistyczne doradztwo

rELATED Promotion

Complimentary Residential Conveyancing

Why Ackroyd Legal?

Ackroyd Legal can guide you through the relevant process – speaking POLISH if preferred – so that your legal matter is dealt with quickly and efficiently.

We understand that dealing with an unfamiliar legal system can be daunting and overwhelming. Ackroyd Legal offer POLISH translated conveyancing service in Hampshire. Whether you are buying or selling, we may be able to help you with cost effective specialist conveyancing.

Our experienced senior Conveyancers supported by Polish speaking executive legal assistants deal with all types of conveyancing matters.

Our conveyancing team bring to the market a wide range of services and many years of experience that, combined with patience and perseverance, makes Ackroyd Legal the ideal team to take the stress out of your transaction, regardless whether you are buying or selling property.

We are always happy to give you a detailed breakdown of our expected conveyancing charges and all associated expenses (disbursements) without any hidden costs.

We also provide wide range of services in regards to:

• Mortgages and Re-Mortgages
• Trusts Deeds
• Transfers of Equity
• Wills, Probate and Administration of Estates
• Landlord and Tenant Matters

Polish residents living and working in the UK may wish to make a ‘Will’, to protect their family’s interest. We can help with Will writing and probate law.


Why Ackroyd Legal?

Ackroyd Legal can guide you through the relevant process – speaking POLISH if preferred – so that your legal matter is dealt with quickly and efficiently.

We understand that dealing with an unfamiliar legal system can be daunting and overwhelming. Ackroyd Legal offer POLISH translated conveyancing service in Hampshire. Whether you are buying or selling, we may be able to help you with cost effective specialist conveyancing.

Our experienced senior Conveyancers supported by Polish speaking executive legal assistants deal with all types of conveyancing matters.

Our conveyancing team bring to the market a wide range of services and many years of experience that, combined with patience and perseverance, makes Ackroyd Legal the ideal team to take the stress out of your transaction, regardless whether you are buying or selling property.

We are always happy to give you a detailed breakdown of our expected conveyancing charges and all associated expenses (disbursements) without any hidden costs.

We also provide wide range of services in regards to:

• Mortgages and Re-Mortgages
• Trusts Deeds
• Transfers of Equity
• Wills, Probate and Administration of Estates
• Landlord and Tenant Matters

Polish residents living and working in the UK may wish to make a ‘Will’, to protect their family’s interest. We can help with Will writing and probate law.

Kenneth Flooks

Regional Head of Conveyancing and Consultant

Agnieszka Woloszyn


Jesli sa Panstwo zainteresowani wspolpraca z nasza Firma prosimy o kontakt z Agnieszka Woloszyn-Clasby, Executive Conveyancing Assistant direct

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